Saturday 23 May 2015

3 Ways To Refocus Your Life By Overcoming Emotional Pain And Negativity

Think of a moment somebody hurt you. No, I don’t mean physically. But the last time somebody caused you mental suffering.

What to do when someone hurts you? | Dr. Isaiah Hankel | Dealing with emotional pain
3 Ways For Regulating Emotional Pain To Refocus Your Life

What did you choose to do about it? What was the outcome? If you slipped into a pit of hopelessness and adopted a woe-is-me kind of mindset, how did that work out for you?

The simple truth is, you will never be able to avoid all mental pain. It’s a part of living, and of dealing with others. But you also don’t have to let it control your life! In truth, you can use most of these negative experiences to your advantage.

In this article are a series of tactics for getting control of your emotions (◄ read the full article here) you can take unfavorable experiences and transform them into something positive!

Now if you’ve been hurt, one more common reaction is to think “what are some good ways to get revenge?” Here is the best way to do it in a healthy way!

Of course, if the people who are hurting you are constantly playing victim, here’s how to avoid these toxic people!

Friday 22 May 2015

You Fail Because You Lack Discipline!

Has anything negative happened to you recently? A failing of some kind, whether in your business or private life? Perhaps some kind of health problem? Or maybe even something totally out of your hands, like the passing away of a family member of friend or a car accident.

You Lack Mental Discipline | Dr. Isaiah Hankel | What is Mental Toughness
How Disciplining Your Thoughts And Emotions Is The Key To Your Success
These events can be devastating if we allow them to be. And once they happen, our first impulse may be to get drawn into a marsh of sadness and despair.

But that isn't improving your situation at all. Regardless of how much you whine, cry, or grumble to anyone that will listen, it won't make one little bit of positive difference. In reality, it will make things worse!

So what can you do about it? Knowing the art of how to manage your emotions (◄ read the full article here) is the better way to move past a hard or upsetting experience and continue creating the lifestyle you want and deserve!

Two of the keys to enhancing mental discipline are improving brain power and disregarding myths about life. Uncover more about these concepts with these posts!

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Why Your Willpower Depends On You To Protect Your Mental Energy

People will always want a bit of your time and effort. But that doesn't mean you always need to give it to them!

How to Increase Willpower Your Greatest Human Strength | Dr. Isaiah Hankel | Improve Your Brain Power
How To Improve Brain Power: Say No To Things!
Do you have a tough time turning down a request, even if it's for something trivial? If you do, you're wasting your mental energy and holding yourself back from achieving your goals.

Studies show that people only have so much time each day to operate at peak ability. And when you give away your time and effort, you risk giving away these peak hours in the day during which you could otherwise have been concentrating on enhancing your own life.

If you want to learn how to increase mental strength, (◄ read the full article here) safeguarding your mental energy is a good way to do it!

Another waste of mental energy can be revenge. Here’s how you can channel your wish for getting revenge on someone in a positive direction. And if you've any beliefs holding you back, analyze and change those limiting beliefs!

How To Get Revenge On People Without Losing Yourself

If you're like most people, you've felt wronged or slighted by somebody at some time in your life. 

How to get revenge on someone | Dr. Isaiah Hankel | How to properly get even with someone
10 Of The Best Ways To Get Revenge In A Healthy Way
And with that feeling that someone has done you wrong often comes the desire for revenge. The desire to get even with that individual.

And plotting revenge is enjoyable, at least in the beginning. But if you get too wrapped up in that feeling of revenge, you can end up losing sight of your true objectives.

But should you simply ignore the feeling of revenge and walk away with your tail between your legs? No, there’s another alternative.

What's the healthiest way to do it? What is a good way to get revenge on someone in a healthy, constructive manner? (◄ read the full article here) Use revenge as a tool!

Now, if you’re surrounded by toxic personalities, learning how to cope with them will certainly decrease your need for revenge in the first place. After all, it's helpful to surround yourself with successful people!

Monday 4 May 2015

How To Build Your Self Confidence

Confidence. It's really a powerful thing if you have it, but if you're lacking it it can hold you back from living the life you want. Are you feeling like your lack of self esteem is holding you back and creating problems for you? Self-confidence is an incredible skill to have and can bring a sense of satisfaction to your life. More than the way you look, how you dress, or what you do, it’s self-confidence which will help you to be remembered.

How to Increase Your Self-Confidence | Dr. Isaiah Hankel | Secrets of Confident People
Confident People Ignore These 3 Myths
And to some, it seems like a natural thing. Whether it’s good genes or the right atmosphere, some are just naturally confident. Some of us aren’t as lucky though.

But low self-esteem doesn't have to define you for the rest of your life! Similar to learning to read in Spanish, you can learn self confidence.

But how do you do it? Consider your personal narrative, the story you tell yourself about who you are and your abilities. Are you telling yourself these common, confidence-sapping myths? If so, it's time to do some mental spring cleaning! (< see the whole article here)

Another way to improve your confidence is to stop associating with toxic people. After all, you are who you surround yourself with! But if the important people in your life, like family members or close friends, are toxic, it’s helpful to know how to deal with toxic people!