Sunday, 7 June 2015

How To Take Back Your Life And Stop Being Dependent On Others

What’s the difference between a want and a need? Frequently we say we need something when what we're truly indicating is a want. 

How To Stop Seeking Approval | Dr. Isaiah Hankel | Take Control Of Your Life Quotes
Why You Need To Take Control Of Your Life To Be Happy And Successful
Whereas a want could be great, a need is utterly necessary.

Now look, it's very good to want to have other people around. It’s an indication of a well-adjusted, psychologically stable individual. But if you need to be around others? That's another thing altogether.

On a base level, humans desire interaction with other humans. However when your wish for human interaction grows into a need to be close to specific people, you can slide into a cycle of codependency, losing control over your own life and giving control of your happiness to someone else.

So what can you do about this? Stop seeking approval from others! (◄ read the complete article here)

Once you give others power to decide your happiness, it may cause a lot of psychological strain. But using a combination of control of your feelings and improving brain power you can live a happier, healthier life!

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